I am working as a psychologist in my office at downtown Athens.
My address is Amerikis 20 and my telephone numbers are +30 2110116540, +306986939785.
I have collaborated with private and public organisations in Greece and abroad such as the Organization Against Drugs- OKANA, the Special Detention Center for Youth of AvlonaEKKNA., the Center for Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis and Support, the Association de Santé Mentale (ASM13) of Paris and also with various psychological support centers and private psychiatrists / psychologists.
I keep up to date with the developments in my fields of interest by attending workshops and conferences
What does it mean to “love
‘Psychological First Aid’ is the Centre for Immediate Help for Mental Health. Mental Health is now more than ever threatened due to covid-19 causing people to be afraid of losing their physical health, of losing their jobs and income or not finding a job, afraid of poverty, isolation, stigmatization, and afraid of losing their freedom and the human rights. The huge amount of unpleasant information from the media relevant to the situation causes to many people panic attacks and very increased levels of stress, which makes the immune system weaker and makes people susceptive to any illness.
When you contact ‘Psychological First Aid’ we can quickly and effectively respond and address all the above issues as a team of professional psychologists all over the world. Together united we can eliminate any fear, any change, and fight against any threat and obstacle.
My name is Flora Myrsaliotou and I am an experienced psychologist (12 years) in a vast variety of settings in Health, Education and Business, in Greece, UK, US and now Italy. I am a Consultant Educational & Business Psychologist, working with children, adolescents and adults of different cultures, offering therapy sessions (mainly online) – one to one or groups- with a subspecialty in Couples therapy and Sexual Health.
People especially in Europe have been suffering for more than a decade due to the Financial Crisis having as a result increased levels of financial anxiety and stress related to the fear of losing a job and the uncertainty of finding one, as well as the insecurity of a fluctuating monthly income. The situation has just got worse due to the threat of the pandemic related to physical health, family and work security, belonging, freedom, the course of life in general and of their beloved ones. Our children also need our help due to the dramatic changes in education and the freedom of ‘being children’. All of us must go on, dreaming and setting goals for our future.
I am here to help you succeed in life!
To book an online appointment with me please visit the webpage www.floramyrsaliotou.gr and contact me through the communication section via email. You can also call me at
0030 6948642842 to book an appointment. The cost varies according to your financial situation and status (unemployed, student, employed, member of a single parent family etc.)
For a face to face session my location is Athens, Greece.
When you visit my webpage you will find all my social media, my radio and TV shows as well as articles and videos of training
Work for Psychologists
We select freelance psychologists to be included as external collaborators in our international psychological first aid network already composed of 367 freelancers present in 23 countries ( Italy, United Kingdom, France, Hong Kong, Mexico, Russia, Argentina, Greece, Kenya, Ghana, Mozambique, Brazil, Portugal, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, India, Spain, Switzerland ). Send the curriculum vitae to info@pronto-soccorso-psicologico-roma.it .
COPYRIGHT 2019 - 2022
Piazza Sempronio Asellio 7
P. Iva 06019411005 - Tel. +39 0622796355
I componenti della rete del progetto "Pronto Soccorso
Psicologico Roma Est" non offrono cure, supporto o consigli
immediati per le persone in una crisi suicida.
Per tale tipo di emergenza chiamare il 118 o il 112.
Ogni componente della rete del "Pronto Soccorso Psicologico
Roma Est" contribuisce al progetto in maniera pienamente
autonoma ed è quindi responsabile individualmente -anche sul
piano legale- del proprio operato.