Tel. +39 3473157728
Gianni Lanari, Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapist with about 30 years of professional experience, is the creator and coordinator of a Network composed by 406 Psychologists by "ROMA EST" PSYCHOLOGICAL FIRST AID, present in all the Italian regions and in 26 foreign countries.
After several experiences of collaboration made with some Local Health Units, he was elected president of the Italian Center for Psychological Development (an association that organized the first National Week of Psychological Prevention ).
He is registered in the special list of the Journalists of Lazio and is the author of :
Lanari G., Calbi N., La
comunicazione assertiva, Milano, Edizioni Finson,
- Lanari G., Corso multimediale di addestramento alla comunicazione assertiva (CD-ROM), Roma, Edizioni Cisp, 2004;
Lanari G.,
- Simona Abbiati, Stefano Bertoldi, Assunta Bertussi, Annamaria Burlini, Cinzia Chesi, Clara Cortellazzi, Massimo Daviddi, Simona Di Carlo, Franco Fasolo, Anna Maria Gibin, Claudia Giordana, Gianni Lanari, Barbara Rossi, Stefano Sirri, Ivana Trevisani, Patrizio Virzi, So-stare nei gruppi. Proposte di esperienze di benessere, Edizioni La Meridiana, 2009;
- Lanari G. e Altri, Vincere gli attacchi di panico. Istruzioni per l'uso. Roma. Armando Editore, 2017.
click here to read the interviews and the published articles
are looking for Psychologists
Join us
We select freelance psychologists to be included as external collaborators in our international psychological first aid network already composed by 403 freelancers present in 27 countries ( USA, Italy, United Kingdom, France, Hong Kong, Mexico, Russia, Argentina, Greece, Kenya, Ghana, Mozambique, Nigeria, Brazil, Portugal, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Bulgaria, Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, India, Spain, Switzerland ).
You can send your curriculum vitae to the email address: .
COPYRIGHT 2019 - 2023
Sempronio Asellio 7
Vat number: 06019411005
Tel. +39 0622796355
The members of the network PSYCHOLOGICAL
FIRST AID "ROMA EST" project do not offer immediate
care, support or advice for people in a suicide crisis.
For this type of emergency (or
in any other case of EXTREME EMERGENCY) call numbers 118 or 112.
Each member of the network PSYCHOLOGICAL FIRST AID "ROMA EST" contributes to the project in a fully autonomous manner and is therefore individually responsible - also from a legal point of view - for his own work.